Thursday, 29 September 2011

Network Operating System

Network Operating System


Network Support

A network operating system must support a wide variety of networking protocols in order to meet the needs of its users. That’s because a large network typically consists of a mixture of various versions of Windows, as well as Macintosh and possibly Linux computers. As a result, the server may need to simultaneously support TCP/IP, NetBIOS, and AppleTalk protocols. Many servers have more than one network interface card installed. In that case, the NOS must be able to support multiple network connections. Ideally, the NOS should have the ability to balance the network load among its network interfaces. In addition, in the event that one of the connections fails, the NOS should be able to seamlessly switch to the other connection. Finally, most network operating systems include a built-in ability to function as a router that connects two networks. The NOS router functions should also include firewall features in order to keep unauthorized packets from
entering the local network.

File sharing services

One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that’s shared is the server’s file system. A network server must be able to share some or all its disk space with other users so that those users can treat the server’s disk space as an extension of their own computer’s disk space. The NOS allows the system administrator to determine which portions of the server’s file system to share. Although an entire hard drive can be shared, it is not commonly done. Instead, individual directories or folders are shared. The administrator can control which users are allowed to access each shared folder. Because file sharing is the reason many network servers exist, network operating systems have more sophisticated disk management features than are found in desktop operating systems. For example, most network operating systems have the ability to manage two or more hard drives as if they were a single drive. In addition, most can create mirrors, which automatically keeps a backup copy of a drive on a second drive.


Only one user at a time uses a desktop computer; however, multiple users simultaneously use server computers . As a result, a network operating system must provide support for multiple users who access the server remotely via the network.At the heart of multiuser support is multitasking, which is the ability of an operating system to execute more than one program — called a task or a process — at a time. Although multitasking creates the appearance that two or more programs are executing on the computer at one time, in reality, a computer with a single processor can execute only one program at a time. The operating system switches the CPU from one program to another to create the appearance that several programs are executing simultaneously, but at any given moment, only one of the programs is actually executing. The others are patiently waiting for their turns. (If the computer has more than one CPU, the CPUs can execute
programs simultaneously, which is called multiprocessing.) To see multitasking in operating on a Windows computer, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up the Windows Task Manager and then click the Processes tab. All the tasks currently active on the computer appear. In order for multitasking to work reliably, the network operating system must completely isolate the executing programs from each other. Otherwise, one program may perform an operation that adversely affects another program. Multitasking operating systems do this by providing each task with its own unique address space that makes it almost impossible for one task to affect memory that belongs to another task.

In most cases, each program executes as a single task or process within the memory address space allocated to the task. However, a single program can also be split into several tasks. This technique is usually called multithreading, and the program’s tasks are called threads. The two approaches to multitasking are preemptive and non-preemptive. In preemptive multitasking, the operating system decides how long each task gets to execute before it should step aside so that another task can execute. When a task’s time is up, the operating system’s task manager interrupts the task and switches to the next task in line. All the network operating systems in widespread use today use preemptive multitasking.
The alternative to preemptive multitasking is non-preemptive multitasking. In non-preemptive multitasking, each task that gets control of the CPU is allowed to run until it voluntarily gives up control so that another task can run. Non-preemptive multitasking requires less operating system overhead because he operating system doesn’t have to keep track of how long each task has run. However, programs have to be carefully written so that they don’t hog the computer all to themselves.

Directory services

Directories are everywhere. When you need to make a phone call, you look up the number in a phone directory. When you need to find the address of a client, you look up him or her in your Rolodex. And when you need to find the Sam Goody store at a shopping mall, you look for the mall directory. Networks have directories, too. Network directories provide information about the resources that are available on the network, such as users, computers, printers, shared folders, and files. Directories are an essential part of any network operating system. In early network operating systems, such as Windows NT 3.1 and NetWare 3.x, each server computer maintained its own directory database of resources that were available just on that server. The problem with that approach was that network administrators had to maintain each directory database separately. That wasn’t too bad for networks with just a few servers, but maintaining the directory on a network with dozens or even hundreds of servers was next to impossible. In addition, early directory services were application-specific. For example, a server would have one directory database for user logins, another for file sharing, and yet another for e-mail addresses. Each directory had its own tools for adding, updating, and deleting directory entries. 

Modern network operating systems provide global directory services that combine the directory information for an entire network and for all applications so that it can be treated as a single integrated database. These directory services are based on an ISO standard called X.500. In an X.500 directory, information is organized hierarchically. For example, a multinational company can divide its user directory into one or more countries, each country can have one or more regions, and, in turn, each region can have one or more departments.

Security services

All network operating systems must provide some measure of security to protect the network from unauthorized access. Hacking seems to be the national pastime these days. With most computer networks connected to the Internet, anyone anywhere in the world can and probably will try to break into your network. The most basic type of security is handled through user accounts, which grant individual users the right to access the network resources and govern what resources the user can access. User accounts are secured by passwords; therefore, good password policy is a cornerstone of any security system. Most network operating systems let you establish password policies, such as requiring that passwords have a minimum length and include a mix of letters and numerals. In addition, passwords can be set to expire after a certain number of days, so users can be forced to frequently change their passwords.
Most network operating systems also provide for data encryption, which scrambles data before it is sent over the network or saved on disk, and digital certificates, which are used to ensure that users are who they say they are and files are what they claim to be.

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